Friday, December 3, 2010

Too Many To-Do's is how I have felt the past few days. Too much to do. I have made lists and lists. I love the holiday times, but sometimes I make things too difficult. I just got a new phone and am so dense that it seems I will never figure it out. I have plenty of house chores to take care of ---cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc. I have shopping to do, Christmas decorating, Christmas gifts to purchase, menu planning, email to keep up with (haha) and of course, now I am adding one more thing---this blog.
Actually, this is a lot more fun than some of that other stuff I have on the back burner. Some of it may stay there and burn before I get it done. Then there is the upcoming job interview I really need to prepare for. Brian is looking like the shaggy D.A., so hair cut is on my list too. My exercise has pretty much dwindled to nothing---but I did get in a run today. I admire you people who are expert in juggling time, work, and fun and still have sanity. Ok---so it's time to de-stress and just go with the one day at a time, one project, one job/task approach.

1 comment:

  1. I say if you have things on your to-do list that you don't really have to do and they are causing stress--JUNK IT! Stress is not the reason for the season!
