Sunday, November 14, 2010


We went to Aurora on Friday to visit Brad, Cindy, and of course, Bethany. We had a ton of fun. Brad went and got hot dogs and the fixings and the items to make smores. I have never had an indoor wiener roast ( or weenie roast as some say). The hot dogs were delicious and it was just plain ol' fun. Brad and Cindy are great hosts. Bethany was her sweet self. What a precious baby. You can tell she is the delight of her mama and daddy's life. Her smiles come easily to charm us. She loves her mama and adores her daddy. Bethany seems to love tv. She may already have an addiction. haha Yes, Brad, you are responsible for this one. : ) Whether it is the colors, the light, or the constant movement, the tv is something Bethany can zone in on for some time. Thanks to the Hall Family for a great weekend!

Brian and Cindy roasting hot dogs in the fire place. This really works. The smores were yummy! We used organic marshmallows. Supposedly they have some sort of fish oil in them. Tasted great--no fish taste at all.

This is one of Bethany's precious smiles.
This is one of Bethany's "zoned out" looks. It seemed that every time I would try to take a picture of her doing something cute, this is what I got instead. haha Expressions change very quickly. Even Bethany's zoned look is cute!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


It's that time of year. Up until yesterday, I was beginning to think that I would not even get my boots out this year. There is hope yet. We had our first snow yesterday even though it was just enough to cover the grass. Hopefully there will be more to come. This has been an extremely dry year. So "let it snow, let it snow, let it snow". All I need now is a nice warm cozy fireplace and a cup of hot chocolate. YUM! Too bad we don't have a fireplace, but I can have the hot chocolate.

Monday, November 8, 2010


File:The office US.jpg

Right now I feel like I am living a scene that would be found on "The Office". Such drama and goings on. Seems that we continually have the rumor mill in action---office gossip abounds. There is the drama of hiring, firing, and moving about of employees--- all done in supposed confidence and secret! HA! They must think we are dumb. All I can say is "deliver me from this place!"

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Is It Fall Yet?

Partly Cloudy
Current: Partly Cloudy
Wind: NW at 3 mph
Humidity: 23%
77° | 44°
Partly Cloudy
75° | 42°
Partly Cloudy
66° | 39°
53° | 27

Look at the weather forecast for today and next week. Wow! We are still having an Indian Summer. I saw that Denver was to be 80 deg. today! Not that I am complaining. I like the warm, mild weather temps. The thing is that one knows that some day, the thermometer will plummet to frigid readings. BRR! As you can see the weather on Tuesday may bring us a little reminder that winter is on its way. For now, I will soak up the sun and the heat.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Paperless Society

The past two weeks have convinced me more than ever that we are not heading for a paperless society. Our technology has made it easier than ever to produce more and more and more paper. We make copies, copies of copies, and copies in triplicate. In the last two weeks, a co-worker and I have picked up over 200 boxes of documents. The coming week does not look much better in terms of more box storage. So much for less paper.