Wednesday, November 10, 2010


It's that time of year. Up until yesterday, I was beginning to think that I would not even get my boots out this year. There is hope yet. We had our first snow yesterday even though it was just enough to cover the grass. Hopefully there will be more to come. This has been an extremely dry year. So "let it snow, let it snow, let it snow". All I need now is a nice warm cozy fireplace and a cup of hot chocolate. YUM! Too bad we don't have a fireplace, but I can have the hot chocolate.


  1. I'm not ready for cold weather yet!! I would be happy with about a 1 or 2 month winter season. Wait, that's pretty much what we have in Texas, huh! ;-) Well, hope your winter isn't quite as rough and LONG as last year!

  2. I wish we could just give you our fireplace somehow. They way it's going down here we won't use it at all this year.
