Sunday, December 5, 2010


Cell Phones

This past week I got a new phone which I really needed. My phone would no longer hold a charge, the screen was cracked, had been dropped numerous times---it was just old. So I get this new phone and was just starting to get the dumb thing figured out. Then low and behold I discovered that this particular phone does not send text pictures nor receive them. What???? I paid way more for this phone than the last one, and it was a lot more expensive than some of the other phones. Price does not mean a thing. I am so disgusted. Why have the feature of a camera if you can't send pictures? Why have the feature on your plan if it does not apply? It is like handing you a phone and saying, "Here is your phone. The only deal is that is does not make nor receive phone calls." I am going to find a dealer soon and get this problem rectified.


  1. What retard would make a phone like that? Go put a hurtin on someone!

  2. Ugh! That is so aggravating. Not only should they make it right, but I think you should get some sort of discount for the kind of phone you do need based on the trouble and time you've put into it. Hope you get some really GOOD customer service and an even better cell phone!
