Sunday, May 2, 2010


This is a perfect picture of how I felt yesterday morning. We were re-potting plants. After we had finished I got ready to pick up a pot that was maybe 3 lbs---at the most. Just as I bent to get the pot I had a searing, electrifying, knife-stabbing pain. This is one of the worse pains I have ever experienced. Not to say that I have not done this before, but by far, this took top honors in the torture category.

I fell to my knees, grabbed my back, and began to immediately groan and moan. Brian had to literally pick me up. I seriously thought I was paralyzed. I could not move my legs or get them under me to stand. Finally after an agonizing few minutes, I was able to start moving my feet and legs and slowly go to the house. Finally got up the stairs and on the floor to try to stretch and move some.

Yesterday was not a fun day, but I am feeling a tad bit better today....... I think. I did not go to church since I have to move around pretty often to get in different positions to get some pain relief.

The worst thing about the whole situation is that my back gets trashed over the most piddly experiences. I am never trying to hulk a load of 100 lbs. It is always the piece of clothing on the floor, a piece of paper, a pillow, etc. What do I do? I have not a clue because believe me, I would be very aware of the incorrect motion I am making that causes such pain and avoid it.

Maybe I can post a picture soon of our "container" garden. I may even post a scene of yesterday's crime of back trashing.

Hoping I can go to work tomorrow, but I'm not counting on anything.


  1. Sorry to hear you are still in pain. I am excited to see what you've done with the garden!

  2. Ugggggg for back pain. Hope the garden does well.

  3. So sorry! I have back issues, too, but not like that! I think my issue currently is lack of exercise to get my back muscles strong on top of the fact that I'm carrying 29 lb and 21 lb children around all the time! HA! Hope you feel better soon!!

  4. Oh dear!! That does not sound good!! That's what they usually say's never the weight that causes the problem...just the motion somehow. I think my dad has thrown his back out doing some pretty minor stuff before. Anyways, hope it is just a strain of some sort and that you're back on your feet soon!

  5. oh no! No good. Hope you get to feeling better soon!
