Monday, May 3, 2010

Container Gardening In May

Here is the scene of the crime referred to in my last blog. This is where we were starting our "container" garden on Saturday. It was on this very deck that something stabbed me right in the back. I am still convinced that "voo-doo" may have been involved. Update is that I am doing much better.

Believe it or not, the next picture is taken on the same day....later in the afternoon. As you can see in the previous picture, it looks to be a nice day. It must have been a mirage.

Since the weather is less than predictable. We decided to do a "container" garden for a few weeks. Notice the "containers". : ) Not what you were expecting?

Hopefully in about 3 weeks we can graduate to a regular garden. It will take at least that long to get the ground ready. Weeds need to be eradicated, garden pests (like nasty little black ants that eat all the seeds) need to be exterminated, soil tilled, watered, and fertilized. Then comes the row making and finally getting the plants transplanted. I even planted some squash seeds in a container. Last year not one squash seed came up. Ants got them. We are also hoping to get a back yard started this summer and to re-build our horrible looking deck. Summer fun, here we come!

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