It's Friday and one of my days off. This is one of the days I really enjoy even though it may be my cleaning, laundry, errand, etc. day. I have found I love being at home and just doing things around the house.
Today I have been thinking about being thankful. I just read Brad's blog, and it was so really awesome to read how really thankful he always seems to be. He enjoys life and all that is around him. So it made me think of how many things I have to be thankful for. There are so many things we take for granted. So I decided to just share a few of the things I find wonderful in my life.
First there is my relationship with God. No one can take that away from me.
I grew up in a wonderful loving family.
I have been blessed with a great husband that loves me unconditionally. He continually praises me and helps me.
I have 4 great children, 2 of the best sons-in- law ever, a beautiful daughter-in-law, and 2 sweet precious granddaughters.
I have a job. I may not always like it or want to go to work, but many would trade with me in an instant.
I have a house, plenty of food, clothing, my health--though I am getting kind of old and feeling some of my physical abilities declining. I love running. That may be a thing of the past with my knee and foot, but I have enjoyed some good years pounding the pavement.
I live in a beautiful place. The mountains are just awesome. I get to look at the Peak every morning on my way to work. I have seen it with snow caps, blazing fall colors, clouds, in varying colors depending on the angle of the sun.
How can a person be more blessed? I am humbled to think of all that I have enjoyed in my life time.