It is amazing how much activity can be packed into one weekend. We certainly had a lot of activity last weekend when Ethan and Jenna got married. Here are just a few pics of the events.
Here is Ethan before the ceremony. What do you think? Is Ethan excited, nervous, or happy. You make the call.
Here are the 3 beautiful sisters and Maddy the sweetest baby ever. I think these 3 have not changed much since 2003, the year Holly and Aaron got married.
This is Jenna and Ethan at the rehearsal dinner.
Holly, Cindy, and Tammy did a great job with the table decorations at the rehearsal dinner. What would I do without their artistic talents? Brad is getting in some "dad" practice with Maddy at Taco Bueno. More decorating for the rehearsal dinner. Bethany is taking a prominent place in this pic. : ) Doesn't the groom's cake look luscious? The bride's cake was very pretty as well. I only got some of the bride's cake. Maddy tasted a bit of this, but she did not seem overly excited. Here is Maddy letting her hair down before getting dressed for the rehearsal dinner. What a wild do!!!
Just a few pictures of our Memorial Day weekend. When you don't have your own grandchild available, you play with someone else's grandchildren. Daniel and Mikali both had some cool sunglasses. Great kids and lots of fun to be with. We played with dry pinto beans for almost an hour. Both have great imaginations.
Both Mikali and Daniel LOVE books. They will bring a book to anyone who will take the time to look at it and read with them. Thanks Grammy Sherry and Gramps Weldon for sharing with us. You have some great grandkids.